In a world where changes follow in rapid succession, flexibility is an absolute must. We have therefore organized our production plant and processes for maximum flexibility.
In a world where changes follow in rapid succession, flexibility is an absolute must. We have therefore organized our production plant and processes for maximum flexibility.
We usually produce orders in volumes of 5.000 pieces to 500.000+ pieces. The need to upscale or downscale from time to time is a matter of course for us. And we can do so quickly: need to produce 25.000 extra pieces within a week? Not a problem!
One of the unwritten laws of the markets in which we are active is that products are constantly improved over time. Normally, that would mean the production process would have to catch up.
Not at Semecs: our flexible production lines are organized specifically for that purpose. So your production process is in safe hands.
Flexibility is an integral part of our staff and organization. A purchase order in just one day? It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, we deliver. Our lines of communication are short, the organization is ‘lean’, and we don’t put up with bureaucracy. That applies from our headquarters in Uden to our production plant in Slovakia.